Hello, I’m the CEO of the CZero DAO project team, Daniel Lee. Thanks to the attention and response of the community, we successfully finished pre-minting. The pre-minting was carried out to secure the minimum number of users, create and run the protocol, and obtain the result value. Based on this, the CZero team will now open the Staking and Reward Mileage system, Governance system, and the CP Token and Dex Exchange Liquidity Pool sequentially.
And a month later, we will conduct a free minting of PFP NFT, which will be produced under the concept of “3,000 Druids Fighting for Carbon Reduction”. Nature-loving Druid will be active in CZero Dapp, community and metaverse awards.
The CZero project is a project that will last at least 20 years to create a carbon-neutral and sustainable world. I hope that you will continue to be with us during our journey to CZero, which will be active in both the mandatory and voluntary markets for carbon credits. And to this end, please pay a lot of attention and respond to the formal Minting that will be carried out after the overall completion of the protocol. Thank you.