CZero issues various types of NFTs to support carbon reduction projects.
CZero Carbon Neutral NFT is an NFT issued to support CZero DAO’s Carbon Neutral Initiative project.
Role of CZero Carbon Neutral NFT
- DAO membership on the platform
- Granting membership to participate in governance to minting participants
- Attracting attention to carbon neutrality
- Carbon Reduction Project Funding
What is NFT?
NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token and has a unique identifier (ID) and ‘metadata’ about assets such as name, image, date and time of creation, size, creator’s signature, and ‘timestamp’ that indicates time. is a token with unique properties that can be combined to prove that a digital object has existed since a certain point in time and its contents have not been altered. NFT technology allows you to create and own unique digital assets that cannot be forged or altered and cannot be replaced. In addition, since it not only expresses the value of assets, but also guarantees unique ownership of digital assets, NFT technology is used to realize digital scarcity and strengthen digital ownership, creating new markets and opportunities for revenue generation. In addition, NFTs can represent all types of physical assets as well as digital assets, which will play a key role in bridging the digital and physical worlds as the digital economy continues to evolve. In the current market, NFTs are being tried with digital assets. However, as for the actual utility of NFT, the technology as a tool to evaluate the underlying asset will be much more valuable.
1st Agenda : NFT for New and Renewable Energy
CZero Renewable Energy NFT is a digital asset issued to support carbon reduction projects while arousing public interest in carbon neutrality, while gathering people to participate in DAO on the CZero DAO platform and granting membership to buyers. no see. Currently, the first goal is to expand new and renewable energy power plants, and when the project is registered as an agenda and passes the governance vote, the NFT minting market will be opened.
In each round of minting, the funding target to be raised through NFT sales is approximately 30% of the total cost of the proposed project (subject to change through governance). Other funds must be procured by the default contract or the company that proposed the project, and they must present a clear reward system and cost reduction plan.
The first round of NFT minting will proceed after a 5MWp renewable energy power plant construction project is proposed to the CZero community. Afterward, governance will be established on Dapp, and all NFT issuance and minting will be conducted through governance agenda registration and voting.
CZero renewable energy NFTs have reward type, value type, and tangible properties.
CZero Renewable Energy NFTs contain information about issuance of digital assets, and have value by reflecting characteristics such as scarcity, symbolism, proof of ownership, and immutability.
Value of ownership
1. Mileage (Staking reward)
Because CZero NFTs have intrinsic value through their rarity, symbolism, and history, you can not only expect return on investment through resale but also reward with real value through staking after holding NFTs (carbon neutral zero mileage) can be obtained.
CZero NFT staking has an important meaning beyond simple mileage in the blockchain. Participating in staking means increasing the total amount of tokens staked on the blockchain, which is to distribute and increase the amount equivalent to 51% or more of the total stake, thereby preventing malicious intent to monopolize governance voting rights and attack the network. It can be viewed as an act of improving the security of the network by neutralizing the attack of the subject and increasing the cost. However, if no rewards exist, few people will simply contribute to network security with good intentions. So, the CZero protocol also provides rewards to encourage more people to participate in staking. NFT staking serves as one of the most important factors for proof-of-stake-based blockchains. In other words, the CZero NFT staking reward is not a reward for participation in minting or purchase (ownership), but a reward for participants who contribute to maintaining the security of the network by increasing the value of the entire NFT through staking of CZero NFT and increasing the cost of the attack.
The Zero mileage received through CZero NFT staking is an incentive to quantify the carbon reduction effect of the renewable energy power plant built by DAO and provide it according to the NFT’s share ratio. This mileage is used for token exchange, donation, and purchase of carbon footprint products. It can be used in various places, such as using it as a city reserve or using an electric vehicle charging station.
2. Support
Currently, the achievement of carbon neutrality in Korea is only dark. While the world has entered the era of energy conversion and is doing its best to increase the country’s new and renewable energy generation rate, Korea has been told that it is the world’s four major climate villains but rather reduced the renewable energy generation rate in 2022, and KEPCO in 2022 The grid construction budget was cut by KRW 4,500, and the Ministry of Industry announced policies such as the power market price cap system. Internal factors such as lack of green finance, civil complaints, and regulations, and external factors such as the rise in raw material prices around the world triggered by the Russia-Ukraine war are deteriorating the profitability of domestic renewable energy power plants. This makes the construction of renewable energy power plants more difficult.
However, not only for social reasons such as environmental protection, climate crisis response, and energy security, but also for domestic companies that may experience difficulties in exporting due to campaigns such as RE100 and ESG management, which have good intentions but have trade barrier effects, construction of new and renewable energy power plants in Korea is absolutely necessary. Our sustainable future cannot be guaranteed if we leave it to the government and businesses alone. It is a time when many people with problem consciousness need to participate. Your support can be the starting point for solving all these problems.
3. Community participation
People who share values for environmental protection, climate crisis response, and energy security can come together and work with a sense of belonging. In the future, CZero DAO plans not only to carry out various carbon-neutral projects but also to, directly and indirectly, carry out numerous campaign activities such as tidal flat conservation campaigns and carbon footprint product use campaigns to pursue and expand value.
4. Authority
CZero NFT holders are guaranteed rewards and activity rights. The reward is the right to receive the power generation profit multiplication reward that can be obtained through NFT staking, and the right to activity is the right to participate in CZero DAO policy decisions and the opportunity to participate in campaigns.
5. Social contribution
Energy Transition for a Sustainable Future
Production of eco-friendly clean energy with almost no greenhouse gas emissions
Supply RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates) necessary for domestic companies, especially export companies, to achieve RE100 and ESG management
CZero NFT minting participants can expect the following effects.
1. CZero NFT : Rewards can be earned through staking
2. CZero Token : CZero Dapp Utility token airdrop
3. Zero Mileage : Mileage rewarded when staking CZero NFT
4. Event participating : CZero REC(Renewable Energy Certificates) NFT dividend opportunity