[Notice]CZero Carbon Neutral NFT Staking Feature Opens

Apr 4, 2023


CZero Carbon Neutral NFT Staking Feature Opens

CZero Carbon Neutral NFT Staking Feature Opens April 4.

Now for those who have purchased CZero NFTs through CZero’s Carbon Neutral Initiative Project NFT Minting, you can log in to the CZero.finance DApp and staking the NFTs you have, and you will receive zero mileage based on the carbon reduction effect of that CZero Carbon Neutral project.

This zero mileage can be used for various purposes such as token exchange afterwards.

However, 1wp, 10wp CZero NFTs paid to event participants are not provided with staking feature and are not given governance voting rights.

This is because, under DAO legal regulations, only those who agree to issue NFTs and purchase NFTs can participate in governance (less than 3,000 people) and receive compensation from the project.

However, 1wp, 10wp CZero NFTs can receive CZero Token airdrops.




Written by CZero DAO

CZero is a carbon neutralization initiative DAO project operated independently by participants with the goal of zero carbon.

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