Hello, we are gathering climate action members from Climate Crisis Solution CZero.
Clayton based PFP NFT and free minting.
Follow CZero SNS and more to get a free list of PFP NFTs under the theme of “3,000 Druids Fighting for Carbon Reduction.” Please feel free to participate!
Competitive WL (whitelist) x 999
Project Introduction
Recruiting members of the CZero Druid “CRUID” to love nature and act for our sustainable future
3,000 Druids Fighting for Carbon Reduction
Different Druid Designs (Characters) PFP NFTs Limited to 3,000
Climate Action Membership
Druid, who lives with the aim of understanding nature, living in harmony with nature, and spreading the way of living with nature, must be proficient in most studies, such as culture and history, politics, astronomy, geography, pharmacy, preparation, and music, and educate future generations well.
It is said that this being is a druid like knowledge and wisdom itself, and it takes about 20 years at a young age to complete the necessary courses and fully grow and play a role…
Whitelisted Event Details Page
How to select a whitelist
Selected in order of highly participating people based on the mission targets in the whitelist category
Users who have increased activity inside the chat room (get whitelist fragments with a certain probability) can obtain WL through certain commands
Friend invitation grants WL permission for 3 or more people
Implementation in https://tempi.kr/apply/event?num=58 Page (available in Google Form + Glim format)
Other than that, it is selected by the occasional giveaway method
Membership benefits
Own Druid Images (3,000 designs in total)
5% to 20% off carbon neutral NFT purchases
Discount on purchase of carbon footprint products
Online & offline event participation rights to earn NFTs and CZero tokens
Priority to participate in online climate action programs (pet bottle recycling programs, etc.)